Children & Youth
Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives. (10 mins)
Activities marked with an asterisk
next to the activity title are in addition to the resources in the Ready to go sessions. Suggested timings for these activities are also shown. NB The inclusion of additional activities varies from week to week.
- Lead the children in a reflective Examen. The Examen is a way to look at our day; what we did and the choices we made, but also to examine our hearts and think about our relationship with God. See below for text to guide the Examen.
- Invite the children to find a comfortable place and remind themselves that God is there.
- Encourage the children to look back at the day so far. Ask: What made you happy? Did anyone say or do something that made you feel good? Did you say or do anything that made you feel good? Was there something that you really enjoyed? Whatever made you feel happy today, thank God for those things now.
- Next ask the children to think if anything made them sad. Ask: Was it something that happened? Or that someone said, or did? Did you do something that made you unhappy? Maybe there is something that you want to say sorry for. Whatever made you feel sad or unhappy, remember that you are precious to God, and that nothing ever changes that.
- Now invite the children to think about tomorrow and putting their hearts in the right place for a good day. Ask: Is there anything you would like to ask God to help you with, or anything you are worried about, or anything that you need? Talk to God about it now, and ask God to be with you through your day.
Go with God 24/7
Encourage the children to put their faith into action
At the end of each day this week, look back and think about whether you have put God first in what you have done and said. E S A
Before you finish, give out the ROOTS at home resource to encourage faith at home.
To the tune: This old man
As we go, we must show
all the ways God helps us grow.
We’ve a toolkit, stop and think, what would Jesus do?
He’ll always be guiding you!
- Give out paper and pens. Ask the young people to draw something in their relationship with God that they’ve been challenged about today.
- Encourage everyone to take their drawing and put it up at home, as a reminder of their commitment to God.
Go with God 24/7
This week, where something is taking your time and focus away from God, make a change, e.g. if your phone is an issue, put a screen time limit on it. E A
Before you finish, give out the ROOTS at home resource to encourage faith at home.
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