Adult & All Age
Activities and prayers to gather the group and introduce the theme
Use the Jump menu on the right to find Prayers and other resources.
Camels and needles
- Have you ever heard or used a strange phrase to illustrate something? For example: ‘It’s like herding cats.’ There can be few if any people who actually herd cats, but we can imagine trying – cats are not known for doing what you ask of them! Other sayings include: ‘Go on a wild goose chase’, ‘Get a taste of your own medicine.’ Invite people to suggest sayings they know and/or use.
- How about this one ‘Pass a camel through the eye of a needle’? What does that mean? Depending how you imagine this, it might be rather funny (you could show a video clip).
- You probably know that this was a phrase that Jesus used. It is part of today’s reading(s), and although Jesus probably intended it to be amusing, and relatively easy to understand, he uses it to make an important point. That is what we shall explore in today’s worship.
First impressions
You could also use the image and following questions to help introduce the theme.
Click on the image to view a larger version or use the Jump menu to go to This week's images. For artist's details, see this issue's illustrators.
- What do you make of this image – its title is ‘With God all things are possible’?
- What is the difference between what is possible and what is wise?
- How might we encourage ourselves and others to develop a wise heart?
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Children & Youth
Activities marked with an asterisk
next to the activity title are in addition to the resources in the Ready-to-go sessions. Suggested timings for these activities are also shown. NB The inclusion of additional activities varies from week to week.
Gathering song
Sing to the tune: Hickory dickory dock
We have a friend we can trust,
who shows us that faith is a must.
When things get tough, and life feels rough,
walk even closer to God.
Wants/needs game E A
You will need: wants and needs template cards.
- Give a set of cards to the children to sort into a ‘wants’ pile and a ‘needs’ pile. You can do this in small groups, or as a whole group, depending on the number of children.
- Discuss the decisions they have made.
Can it fit? 10 mins W E S A
You will need: a measuring cup, clear containers of different shapes and sizes (some smaller and some larger than the measuring cup), water.
- Fill your clear containers with water. Use the measuring cup so you know that some have too much, some have too little, and some have the right amount of water to fit in the measuring cup. Place the containers on a table so everyone can see. Display the measuring cup.
- Then, choose one container of water and a volunteer. Ask the volunteer whether or not they think a certain container’s water will fit in the measuring cup, or if it will be too much/too little. Then, ask the volunteer to slowly pour the water into the measuring cup. Continue until you have used each container of water.
Love it or list it! 5 mins W E
You will need: list of what we might value (see below), paper and pens.
- Print out the list for every young person.
- Ask them to spend 2-3 minutes going through the list and ranking things in order of importance to them. Discuss what choices they made and why.
Love it or list it!
Social Media
First impressions
You could also use the image and following questions to help introduce the theme.
Click on the image to view a larger version or use the Jump menu to go to This week's images. For artist's details, see this issue's illustrators.
- What do you make of this image – its title is ‘With God all things are possible’?
- What is the difference between what is possible and what is wise?
- How might we encourage ourselves and others to develop a wise heart?
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