ROOTS is a partnership of denominations and other Christian organisations and has been publishing lectionary-based worship resources online and in print since 2002.
Roots resources help you to:
plan inspiring worship
encourage discipleship throughout the week
nurture children and young people in their faith...
...every single week of the year.
Roots offers two sets of weekly resources which are available in magazine format and online:
Worship Together
Children & Youth
Enriching adult, family and all-age worship and learning
Inspiring ideas and resources to use with toddlers to teens
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You can subscribe to Worship Together, Children & Youth, or to both sets of resources.
See a sample now
Roots and the lectionary
Each week, both Roots Worship Together and Children & Youth explore the same passage from the Revised Common Lectionary. Where Common Worship differs, we provide materials online. Find out more about Roots and the lectionary
Helping everyone to get to know the Bible better
The lectionary helps to tell the 'big story' of the Bible. Roots resources enable us to hear this big story in our present generation - as a source of wisdom and insight in our lives today.
In so doing, we support you in equipping everyone to feel confident in joining the conversation about the Scriptures - a conversation that has been going on since they were written.