Tunnel challenge E
Demonstrate how things get in the way of our relationship with God
You will need: two large backpacks; various bulky items.
- Split the children into two teams and invite the teams to make a ‘tunnel’, by standing in two lines and linking hands with the person opposite, up above their heads.
- Give one child in each team an empty backpack, and the others in the line a bulky item.
- Invite the child at the front to go through the tunnel with the empty backpack. As they run back to their team, they should hand the backpack to the next child in the line. They then add their item and go through the tunnel. The last child will have a very full backpack!
- Challenge the group to see which team can get their whole team through first. Then think together about things that get in the way of our relationship with God, demonstrating how these things can hold us back.
What fills our hearts? E S
Illustrate what is important to us
You will need: heart template one per child, scissors, magazines, glue, pens/crayons.
- Give each child a large heart shape and talk together about the things that fill our hearts or things that are important to us.
- Ask the children to cut and stick pictures or draw and write the things that can fill our hearts. Explain that these things are all important and can take up lots of space, but ask them to leave some empty space for where God is in their heart.
- Finally, ask them to draw/illustrate where God is in their heart.
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Reason, Unspoken on Reason
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Talk together and talk to God
Use these questions to discuss the Bible passage and then bring your thoughts together by praying to God.
Talk together
- What things are really important to you?
- What was the most important thing in the rich man’s life?
- How can we work out what is most important to us?
Talk to God: Relationships prayer W E A
Think about how we maintain relationships
- Ask the children to think about someone who is really important to them.
- Discuss ideas about how they maintain their relationship with that person and pray about each one, e.g. they talk together: Dear God, help us to talk to you every day; or, they have fun together; Dear God, we ask you to bring us fun and joy in everything we do.
- Talk about how we need to maintain our relationship with god in the same way we do with those around us.