Helping people to see the relevance of the Bible to today's world
Making links to our lives today
A thread of 'living out our faith' runs throughout the resources - helping everyone, young and old, make connections between Sunday and the whole of our lives.
View all resources for one week
Innovative ways to present the passages
We help you to draw your audience in and immerse them in the readings. Ideas can include:
- posing thought-provoking questions before sharing the passages
- ‘first impressions’ – showing a striking image to prompt discussion or reflection
- audience participation (e.g. mime, adding sound effects)
- dramatisations of the readings - with scripts provided on the Roots website
- displaying images, or playing soft music, while you read.
View ideas for one week
Helping everyone understand biblical language
Each week, we offer a retelling of the Bible passage that stays as close as possible to the NRSV text. This is aimed primarily at children but can also be used with adults who are less confident with written English. Rather than rephrasing key Bible terms such as 'Messiah' or 'Son of Man', we provide explanations - building up biblical understanding.
View example: retelling of the Bible story
Inspiring very young children with the Bible
Every week, even the youngest members of your church community can engage with the passage. Using a range of storytelling techniques (e.g. actions, puppets, story bags) we offer a toddlers' version of the reading.
View: the Under 5s resources for one week
