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Micah 6.1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1.18-31; Matthew 5.1-12


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Let us be encouraged in our walk with God.
When we are faced with challenges,
when the way before us is dark,
when we are not sure what to do,
let us be assured that God is ready to bless us,
and to bring us through it all.
So come now to praise and to pray.

A gathering prayer

Lord, we come before you today,
knowing that you do not choose us
because we are clever or strong or powerful.
Rather, you call us to rely on your wisdom,
to fight in your strength,
and to boast that you are always there for us.
Help us to walk humbly with you
each step of the way before us.
And in our worship today,
give us fresh insight and renewed commitment
for that journey of faith.
In Jesus’ name we pray.

A prayer of approach

Source of all wisdom,
source of all goodness,
we come into your presence today
to worship you.
May we choose justice, love kindness,
and walk humbly with you, our God.

A prayer of adoration

Creator God,
source of all life and all wisdom:
we adore you and boast in your love.

Christ crucified,
who walked humbly on this earth:
we adore you and boast in your love.

Holy Spirit,
who leads and guides our steps:
we adore you and boast in your love.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we adore you.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

A prayer of confession

Living Lord Jesus,
when we choose to live arrogantly,
let us choose to live meekly;
when we choose to be strong,
let us see strength in weakness and allow you to work in us;
when we only see darkness,
show us your light and give us hope;
when we would go it alone and rise above others,
let us choose unity;
when we favour popularity and success,
let us choose humility;
when we aspire to power,
let us choose servanthood and love.
We are sorry when we choose the opposite of your desires for us.
Forgive us and help us.
May we always choose kindness, humility, justice and love.
May we always choose to be like you.


Assurance of forgiveness

God of justice and mercy, full of compassion,
you have gracefully forgiven us, allowing us to start again.
We are free through your cross.
We are forgiven in you and have new life.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

God of peace, justice, mercy and love,
thank you that in you we inherit the earth.
Thank you that we are your children.
Thank you that as we mourn, we are comforted.
Thank you that as we seek for righteousness, we are filled.
Thank you that in you we receive your mercy.
Thank you that we can see you through our changed hearts.
Thank you that in your upside-down kingdom,
we find rest, peace, comfort and assurance of your presence.
Thank you, Lord, that in life’s darker times, we are never alone –
You are always by our side.

Prayers of intercession

In humility and need, we gather our prayers for others.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

Headline news shocks us with so much cruelty, tragedy and suffering that we barely know where to begin in our praying for those in need, but you, O God, do hear us.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

For those who do not know you, who do not know the depths of your love and care, who live with poverty of spirit and understanding, confusion and denial of you. For them all, may your Spirit speak to them and may the deeds and the words and the actions of how we live, shine with your Spirt for them. For those who know you but know they fall short of what you call them to be, give them encouragement to strive more and learn more and believe more.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who mourn, who have had their lives changed, turned upside down by the death of family friends or neighbours. In their grief may we and you be a comfort to them. A strength in times of trouble, a light to lead the way in their darkness.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those whose arrogance, pride and vanity stop them from seeing the truth about themselves and the needs of others. For those who do not know what humility is and where it might lead them.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who daily, no matter what the cost to themselves, speak out your words of truth, who live lives reflecting your glory, who each day step-out to help and heal and care and show your love even in face of danger.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who find it within them to forgive others who really repent, those who forgive for the good of others and society, those who show mercy and compassion.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who work for peace, who strive for peace, who yearn for peace. Those who engage at the highest levels of state seeking peace and those who stand on the battlefield yearning for conflict to end and peace to be restored. For those caught in the middle, who fell helpless and hopeless in the face of war and aggression.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

For those peoples whose tragedies, injustice, crisis and suffering make the news headlines today.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

For our families, our friends, our neighbours, those we know and love and care for who need our prayers especially this day.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

Hear our words, O God, and hear the yearnings of our hearts that we may walk humbly with you sharing love and generosity wherever we go.
In the name and for the sake of Jesus.

A prayer for all ages together

Thank you, God,
that whether it is dark
(cover eyes)
or light
(open eyes wide)
we can still grow.
(reach hands up high)
Thank you that when things are difficult
(look at the ground)
and going very well
(jump up)
you bless us and help us.
(hug yourself)

A sending out prayer

Lord, you bless us in so many ways.
You love us just as we are.
And you also want us to grow closer to you.
Show us how we can bless others
by putting them and you before ourselves.
May we walk humbly with you every day.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  29 Ionawr – 4 Chwefror 2023

Rhodio’n ostyngedig gyda’th Dduw

Mathew 5.1-12

Galwad i addoli

Boed i ni gael ein calonogi wrth gerdded gyda Duw.
Pan fydd heriau yn ein hwynebu,
pan fydd y ffordd o’n blaen yn dywyll,
pan fyddwn yn ansicr beth i’w wneud,
boed i ni gael ein sicrhau bod Duw yn barod i’n bendithio,
a dod â ni trwy’r cyfan.
Felly dewch yn awr i foli a gweddïo.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Arglwydd, down o’th flaen heddiw, gan wybod nad wyt yn ein dewis oherwydd ein bod yn alluog neu yn gryf neu yn nerthol. Yn hytrach, rwyt yn galw arnom i ddibynnu ar dy ddoethineb, i ymladd yn dy nerth, ac i ymffrostio dy fod yno i ni bob amser. Helpa ni i gerdded yn ostyngedig gyda thi bob cam o’r ffordd sydd o’n blaenau. Ac yn ein haddoliad heddiw, rho i ni weledigaeth wahanol ac ymrwymiad o’r newydd ar gyfer ein taith ffydd.
Gweddïwn yn enw Iesu.

Gweddi ddynesu

Ffynhonnell pob doethineb,
ffynhonnell pob daioni,
down i’th bresenoldeb heddiw
i’th addoli di.
Boed i ni ddewis cyfiawnder, caru caredigrwydd,
a cherdded yn ostyngedig gyda thi, ein Duw.

Gweddi o addoliad

Dduw y Creawdwr,
ffynhonnell pob bywyd a phob doethineb:
fe’th addolwn di ac ymffrostiwn yn dy gariad.

Dduw croeshoeliedig,
a gerddodd yn ostyngedig ar y ddaear hon:
fe’th addolwn di ac ymffrostiwn yn dy gariad.

Ysbryd Glân,
sy’n arwain a thywys ein camau:
fe’th addolwn di ac ymffrostiwn yn dy gariad.

Dad, Mab ac Ysbryd Glân, fe’th addolwn.

Gweddi o gyffes

Arglwydd Iesu byw,
pan fyddwn yn dewis byw yn drahaus,
boed i ni ddewis byw yn ostyngedig;
pan fyddwn yn dewis bod yn gryf,
boed i ni weld cryfder mewn gwendid a gadael i ti weithio ynom ni;
pan na fyddwn yn gweld dim ond tywyllwch,
dangos i ni dy oleuni a rho obaith i ni;
pan fyddwn yn dewis bod yn annibynnol a chodi uwchlaw eraill,
boed i ni ddewis unoliaeth;
pan fyddwn yn ffafrio poblogrwydd a llwyddiant,
boed i ni ddewis gwyleidd-dra;
pan fyddwn yn dyheu am awdurdod,
boed i ni ddewis ufudd-dod a chariad.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym ddewis y gwrthwyneb i’th ddyheadau drosom ni.
Maddau i ni a helpa ni.
Boed i ni ddewis caredigrwydd, gostyngeiddrwydd, cyfiawnder a chariad.
Boed i ni bob amser ddewis bod yn debyg i ti.

Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Dduw cyfiawnder a thrugaredd, yn llawn tosturi,
rwyt wedi maddau i ni yn raslon, gan ganiatáu i ni ailddechrau.
Fe’n rhyddhawyd trwy dy groes.
Cawsom faddeuant ynot ti ac mae gennym fywyd newydd.

Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch

Dduw heddwch, cyfiawnder, trugaredd a chariad,
diolch am gael etifeddu’r ddaear ynot ti.
Diolch am gael bod yn blant i ti.
Diolch i ti am ein cysuro pan fyddwn yn galaru.
Diolch i ti am ein digoni pan fyddwn yn chwilio am degwch.
Diolch ein bod yn derbyn dy drugaredd ynot ti dy hun.
Diolch am fedru dy weld o’r newydd trwy ein calonnau.
Diolch ein bod yn cael gorffwys, heddwch, cysur a sicrwydd dy bresenoldeb
yn dy deyrnas wyneb-i-waered.
Diolch, Arglwydd, nad ydym ar ein pennau ein hunain yng nghyfnodau tywyllaf bywyd –
Rwyt ti bob amser gyda ni.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Diolch i ti, Dduw, ein bod, yn y tywyllwch
(gorchuddio llygaid)
neu yn y goleuni
(llygaid yn llydan agored)
yn dal i dyfu.
(ymestyn dwylo yn uchel)
Diolch i ti dy fod, pan fydd pethau yn anodd
(edrych ar y llawr)
ac yn mynd yn dda iawn
(neidio i fyny)
yn ein bendithio a’n helpu.
(cofleidio eich hun)

Gweddi i gloi

Arglwydd, rwyt yn ein bendithio mewn cymaint o wahanol ffyrdd.
Rwyt yn ein caru yn union fel yr ydym.
Ac rwyt hefyd am i ni dyfu’n nes atat ti.
Dangos i ni sut y gallwn ni fendithio eraill
trwy eu rhoi hwy a thithau o’n blaen ein hunain.
Boed i ni gerdded yn ostyngedig gyda thi bob dydd.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Sit in a circle and carefully pass round a large cross shape.

Here we are, Lord, ready to remember you,
ready to talk to you and learn about your love for us.
Open our eyes, minds and hearts, Lord.

Place the cross centrally for all to see for the duration of the session.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for children

Teach these movements and words:
This is me – praising you.
(arms above head, waving from side to side)
This is me – thanking you.
(place hands together in prayer position)
This is me – loving you.
(hands crossed across chest hugging yourself)
Through good and bad, when happy or sad,
thank you, Lord, for being there,
thank you, Lord, you always care.

A prayer for forgiveness (for children)

I am me and you are you,
(thumbs point to self, fingers point to our neighbours)
Jesus is with us, whatever we do.
We have not always done our best,
we know this in our hearts.
Lord, forgive and help us know, you give a brand-new start!

A prayer for others (for children)

Invite the children to take a random picture from a box of images of everyday life
(e.g. nurses, police, teachers, children, the old, workers).
(gather round the cross table)

God, our creator,
we pray for all in our local community and in the world.
(each child holds up picture, so all can see, then places it on the table)
Bless the work and needs of your people,
bring growth in difficult situations.

A sending out prayer for children

With a smile and a wave, we’re ready to leave.
Be with us Jesus, we believe,
you are the life, the truth, the way.
Please help and guide us every day.

A prayer for very young children: Bubble prayers

Practise blowing bubbles and watching them grow.
Blow bubbles again, as you pray:

Bless all those who are sad, or ill
or just having a bad day.
May everyone know that God is with us, all of the time'.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 29 Ionawr – 4 Chwefror 2023

Rhodio’n ostyngedig gyda’th Dduw

Mathew 5.1-12

Gweddi ymgynnull

Eisteddwch mewn cylch a phasiwch siâp croes fawr o gwmpas yn ofalus.

Dyma ni, Arglwydd, yn barod i’th gofio,
yn barod i siarad gyda thi a dysgu am dy gariad tuag atom.
Agor ein llygaid, ein meddyliau a’n calonnau, Arglwydd.
Gosodwch y groes yn ganolog i bawb ei gweld trwy gydol y sesiwn.

Gweddïau swigod

Wedi i chi ymarfer chwythu swigod a’u gwylio’n tyfu chwythwch fwy o swigod wrth i chi weddïo:
Bendithia bawb sy’n drist, yn wael neu yn cael diwrnod drwg.
Boed i bawb wybod bod Duw gyda ni, bob amser.

Gweddi o fawl a diolchgarwch

Dysgwch y symudiadau a’r geiriau hyn:
Dyma fi – yn dy foli di.
(breichiau uwch eich pen, yn chwifio o ochr i ochr)
Dyma fi – yn diolch i ti.
(dwylo gyda’i gilydd mewn safle gweddïo)
Dyma fi – yn dy garu di.
(dwylo wedi’u croesi ar draws y frest yn cofleidio eich hun)
Trwy’r da a’r drwg, yn hapus neu yn drist, diolch i ti, Arglwydd,
am fod yno, diolch i ti Arglwydd, am dy ofal bob amser.

Gweddi am faddeuant

Fi yw fi a ti yw ti, (bodiau yn pwyntio atoch eich hun, bysedd yn pwyntio at ein cymdogion)
mae Iesu gyda ni, beth bynnag a wnawn.
Dydym ni ddim bob amser wedi gwneud ein gorau,
gwyddom hyn yn ein calonnau.
Arglwydd, maddau i ni a helpa ni i wybod dy fod di yn rhoi dechrau newydd sbon i ni!

Gweddi dros eraill

Gwahoddwch y plant i gymryd llun ar hap o focsaid o luniau o fywyd pob dydd (e,e, nyrsys, heddlu, athrawon, plant, yr henoed, gweithwyr).

(ymgasglu o gwmpas bwrdd y groes)
Dduw, ein creawdwr, gweddïwn dros bawb yn ein cymuned leol ac yn y byd.
(pob plentyn i ddal llun i fyny fel y gall pawb ei weld, ac yna ei osod ar y bwrdd)
Bendithia waith ac anghenion dy bobl, tyrd â gwelliant mewn sefyllfaoedd anodd.

Gweddi i gloi

Rydym yn barod i fynd, chwifio llaw a gwenu.
Bydd gyda ni Iesu, rydym ni yn credu
mai’r bywyd, y gwirionedd a’r ffordd wyt ti.
Bob dydd wnei di’n helpu a’n harwain ni?

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