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Related Bible reading(s): Matthew 22.34-46

Hymns, songs & music

Related to the Bible readings

Suggestions from Adult & All Ages

(Songs in italics are suitable for all ages.)

All my hope on God is founded
Be thou my vision
Father of all, whose laws have stood (HTC, PRA, SG)
Father, we adore you
Firmly I believe and truly
Give thanks with a grateful heart
If you want to be great (CFW, JP)
I’ll love the Lord with all that lies inside me (HSN)
O Jesus, I have promised
O Lord, all the world belongs to you
O what a mystery I see (BPW, MP, ICP, PRA)
Open our eyes to see the anguish of the poor (MTW)
People think to be free (SB)
Teach me God to love myself
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Through all the changing scenes of life
You have won me with a love (MTW)

Key to abbreviations

Song for the issue

Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking’ and ‘Word of truth and life

These are two different songs for greeting the Gospel reading, which may be used as an introduction, as the book is carried into the congregation or as a reader goes to the lectern.
‘Rise and Sing! The Lord is speaking’, by Howard Gaunt, is a hymn with four short verses, three about God's Word, and the fourth a prayer that we will hear what God has to say to us, and that the Word will take root in our hearts. It would work well as a gradual hymn, and could easily bear repeating every week for a season. The tune, SUSSEX, is a traditional English melody which is familiar and easy to remember. It can be found in the new Ancient and Modern and in CP, AMNS, HON

‘Word of truth and life’, by the American composer Marty Haugen, a Lutheran, is a cantor-led gospel acclamation in which a cantor or soloist, or even the choir sings a short verse, which is then taken up by the congregation – the same melody, and a different but very simple refrain text. The verses include many of the images which appear in the Scriptures during this time: God of mercy and compassion, tree of life, gentle shepherd, but because they aren't particularly linked, they don't all need to be sung every time (unlike the hymn above, which does need all its verses to give the complete picture). It too can be found in the new Ancient and Modern.

Short song

Lord Jesus Christ (Taizé version)
This is a two-line chant from the community at Taizé in eastern France, which has a ministry or outreach to young people throughout the world. The English text works well with the tune, with all the word stresses in the right places, and is easily remembered. It is in the form of a prayer to Christ the Lord of light, asking for strength to resist the doubts and dark thoughts which sometimes creep up on us, and to be open to Jesus' love at all times. It is quite reflective, and would be a good song for a prayer vigil or as part of a preparation for a service of commitment.

Suggestions from Children & Young People

All of my heart (KS)
Bind us together
Can we love one another (CHY, HON, KS)
Father, we adore you
God’s love is deeper
Have you ever had (KS)
I will offer up my life
Love the Lord your God (JP, KS)
Matthew twenty-two (JP, KS)
Open our eyes, Lord 

Love the Lord your God’, Lincoln Brewster on Let the Praises Ring: The Best of Lincoln Brewster

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