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Related Bible reading(s): Matthew 22.1-14

With very young children

Play, and explore being invited to a feast.

Play materials: play tea set, cuddly toys.

Mini Bible story with actions

You are invited

Jesus said, ‘A man prepared a great feast.
Mime eating.
He invited all his friends,
Point around the room.
but they were too busy to come.
Shake head.
So he went out into the street
Mime walking.
and invited everyone he could find
Hold out hands.
to come and share his feast.’
Mime eating.

Repeat so the children can join in.

Enjoying the feast

You will need: a tablecloth, plastic cups and plates, play food or real food, e.g. biscuits, fruit juice.

Invite the children to help you prepare a ‘feast’ by laying a table with the cloth, cups, plates and food. Act out the feast with the play food or consume the real food.


Sharing the feast

You will need: paper plates, spoons, plain biscuits, icing made to the right consistency with icing sugar and water, sweets/edible sprinkles.

Invite the children to ice and decorate biscuits to share with the congregation after the service.



You will need: musical instruments.

Invite each child in turn to name their favourite food, then all repeat and tap out the rhythm of the syllables with the instruments. Say together:

Dear Lord,
thank you for all the delicious food 
we enjoy.
We have so much, and others have so little.
We pray for people who do not have enough to eat.

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