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New to Roots? Which subscription package is right for you?

Every church community is different, but we hope that the following examples will help you to see how our sharing subscriptions packages could work for you - and how they can help you open up access to Roots to even more people in your church community.

In putting together these examples, we've distinguished between continual users and occasional users of Roots . Whoever administers the subscription (e.g. a church secretary or treasurer) will also have their own administrator user account.


Each continual user should be allocated their own user account on the website, using their personal email address. This will enable them to access the resources at any time they need.



For these users, you could register a general email address, e.g. or

You can then set up a user account on our website with the general email address as the username.


If you do wish to set up new email address for this purpose, please bear in mind:

  • only one person can log in to a user account at one time. Therefore, if you have two Sunday School leaders preparing for the same Sunday, we strongly recommend that they use different user accounts.
  • we will send emails from time to time, so someone will need to check the inbox of the email address that you've registered.

Please note: if you would like your web users to access both sets of resources, please include at least one copy of each magazine in your order. For example, if you only receive Worship Together (previously Adult & All Age) magazines, your web users will only have access to the Worship Together online resources.


Examples of print + digital sharing subscriptions

Example 1: New Street Church

In New Street Church, the following people could use Roots Children & Youth:

  • the minister, who leads school assemblies once a month
  • 2 leaders of a monthly youth group
  • a team of 6 Sunday School leaders; each week, 2 leaders run the group.

For New Street Church, we recommend a 2-magazine sharing subscription.

With this subscription, they have 6 sets of resources to share among the users each week:

  • 2 Children & Youth magazines and
  • 4 user accounts on the website.

Please note: as New Street Church only subscribes to Children & Youth resources, the registered web users only have access to the Children & Youth online resources.

We’ll also give the church secretary a login as the subscription administrator.

User accounts on the website could be set up like this:


Example 2: St AnyChurch

St AnyChurch is a busy church with both continual and occasional users of Roots.



For St AnyChurch, we recommend a 5-magazine sharing subscription - 3 Worship Together and 2 Children & Youth.

With a 5-magazine subscription, St AnyChurch can register 7 user accounts for web access. As this subscription includes both Worship Together and Children & Youth resources, registered web users can access both sets of resources online. We'll also give the Treasurer a login as the subscription administrator. The user accounts could be allocated like this:



With 5 magazines and 7 web user accounts, this offers the potential for up to 12 people to access resources each week.

Each church will want to distribute magazines differently, but for St AnyChurch, it works best for one of each Worship Together and Children & Youth magazine to stay in the church office for reference. Then these copies can be shared as needed. The other magazines are distributed to:

  • Licensed Lay Minister (Adult & All Age)
  • Children’s & Families Worker (Children & Young People)
  • one of the all-age leaders who prefers using the magazine to the website (Adult & All Age).


We hope these examples help you to see which sharing subscription package would be right for you. Please contact us if you have questions about what package is right for you.

Alternatively, SUBSCRIBE NOW!

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86 Tavistock Place
Registered Charity No. 1097466. Registered Company No. 04346069. Registered in England.
Subscription services
020 3887 8916
Roots for Churches Ltd
Unit 12, Branbridges Industrial Estate,
East Peckham TN12 5HF
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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2024, Roots for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818.
This resource is taken from and is copyright © 2002-2024 ROOTS for Churches.