January/February issue highlights from Martin
Welcome to the first issue of 2024, covering the whole of the Epiphany season and the first two weeks of Lent. There is a significant difference in the way we are approaching the readings this year. In response to many requests, this time we have honed in much more on the Old Testament readings. In Epiphany and Lent, these are closely related to the New Testament and Gospel readings, but shifting the focus has given rise to fresh themes and insights, which we hope you will find inspiring and useful. Later in the year, we will follow some of the semicontinuous Old Testament readings (track one in the lectionary). Read more about this in Our journey through the lectionary 2023-24.
To complement the above, our new Bread & Wine section offers all-age Communion resources for the Epiphany and Lent seasons. We also offer resources and ideas for Candlemas/Presentation of Christ events, celebrations, services and more – indoors and out.
In addition, Simon Jones reflects on Epiphany, new starts, creation and good news - see this issue's Scripture in context.
Finally, Ian Stackhouse adds to our archive of preaching resources with thoughtful insights and tips for honing your preaching skills.
Please don’t forget to let us know how you are getting on with the new-look resources and, if you have any stories to share – for example, of how you have used any of the Roots’ resources (photos always welcome), especially the new Bread & Wine resources, or how you approach intergenerational/all-age Communion – we would love to hear from you.
This issue is also my last. By the time you read this I will have retired, after nearly nine years with Roots. I have enjoyed it very much. The work has been challenging and demanding at times, but also greatly rewarding. It has been an honour and a privilege to work with so many different creative and scholarly writers, and to be responsible for shaping resources that – if your feedback is anything to go by – is used and appreciated by so many people and churches in so many different contexts.
And I must also pay tribute to my wonderful colleagues in the Roots’ team, without whom none of it would be possible. My successor, Tracey Messenger, is already in post and will no doubt introduce herself in the next issue. But from me, it is farewell and ‘God bless’.

Martin Adams,
Adult & All Age Editor