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Related Bible reading(s): Matthew 22.34-46

Stories: Why? Why? Why?

Two discussions between a daughter and a mother

Ruth has a game she liked to play, mostly to wind her mum up. She was an expert at it. It went like this. Ruth asked a question. When she was given the answer, she would say 'Why?' When given the answer, she would say 'why?' again! She would just keep going. A typical example went something like this:

What's for tea?'
'Spaghetti bolognaise.'
'Because it's quick, I didn't have much time.'
'Because I stayed late at work.'
'Because one of the people I work with needed time off.'
'Because her Mum was taken to hospital yesterday.'
'Because she was ill.'
'Because she is old and had a fall.'
'Because our bodies gradually stop working so well.'
'Because we can't live forever.'
'Because every life has an end, just like it has a beginning.'

Mum played the game too, heaving a big sigh and sounding pretend-tired with each new answer. Sometimes, if Ruth chose a bad time, she might just say, 'Because. That's why. Now be quiet.' Do you see how it worked? Every answer led to a new and more important 'Why?', and every new answer tended to be bigger than the one before. Ruth had a picture in her mind, like this:


Why?    Why?    Why?    Why?    Why?   Why?    Why?


One day, Ruth was doodling on her rough book, and thinking of nothing, till she suddenly asked, 'Mum, did you always know you wanted children?'
'Yes,' replied Mum, 'I always knew. I'd have been devastated if I couldn't.'
'Because I wanted a baby, and then a child to love and protect and cuddle.'
'Because I think I was made to give love. Not everyone wants children, but I think we are all designed to be loving.'
'Because God wanted to make creatures who were able to be in relationship with each other, and with him. That's what I believe.'
'Because the evidence is there, for me, in Jesus.'
'Because Jesus reveals God to us.'
'Because of who Jesus is, the way he lived, and the way he died.'
'Because Jesus was God became a man, so it was also God who died to save us.'
'That's a really big question. Basically, because there was nothing God wouldn't do to show us love and invite to follow him.'
'Because that's what God is like. God is love. And that's the last answer, because it covers every why you've just thrown at me. Because God is love. Got it? Good! Now why don't you come and give me a hug?'

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