Prayer journeys for all ages

Join the global wave of prayer
Ascension Day to Pentecost
You can use these prayer journeys from ROOTS (click on the thumbnail images below) as part of the global wave of prayer that is Thy Kingdom Come, and:
- pray with God’s worldwide family for more people to come to know Jesus Christ
- pray for yourselves to be empowered through prayer by the Holy Spirit
- find new confidence to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.
How to use the resources
There are separate prayer journeys for adults, young people and children.
- Each prayer journey comprises two sheets: prayers for ourselves on page 1 and prayers for others on page 2.
- People can make up their own prayer journeys each day: for example, they can pray the prayer for themselves on a theme (e.g. Belonging or Courage) on one side and then pray the corresponding prayer for others on the other side.
How to distribute the resources
- The PDFS are available in colour and black and white.
- Print off page 1 and page 2 (photocopying if necessary) to create a double-sided sheet for each person.
- Alternatively, you could download the PDFs and email them to people with instructions for them to print at home.